Arch Train Generator 24/10/2023 11:35, TODO 3.1 --- [Zotero] 1. Deep Residual Learning for Image Recognition [Pytorch Doc] 2.1 Resnet18 --- 2.2 [Core] TORCHVISION.MODELS.RESNET --- 2.3 [Accuracy and Function] --- 2.4 TORCHSCRIPT SUPPORT --- 3.1 Streamlit Sidebar twice [It works!] Stream lit sidebar with column test succeed ```python import time import streamlit as st def main(): st.title("Streamlit Gallery") with st.sidebar: col1, col2, col3 = st.columns(3) with col1: st.header("A cat") st.image("") with col2: st.header("A dog") st.image("") with col3: st.header("An owl") st.image("") if __name__ == "__main__": st.set_page_config(page_title="Streamlit Gallery by Okld", page_icon="🎈", layout="wide") main() ``` --- 3.2 [Optional && Either tow columns are okay enough] Streamlit elements features insert into the sidebar --- 3.3 The second column with 2.1-2.4 pytorch specific Train Resnet